Some of my favorite clean and conceptual problems:
2021 IMO Problem 3 / 2021 ISL G7
(Diagram by Neal Yan)
2015 China TST 2 Problem 3
RMM 2011 Problem 3
2015 Taiwan TST Round 3 Quiz 3 Problem 2
2023 USA TST Problem 2
2020 RMM Shortlist G3
I would like to thank:
- Evan Chen for all of my post oly-qual math achievements. Had the EGMO book not existed, I would probably not love math the way I do, and I've met so many cool people (and learned so much math) through OTIS.
- My mom for all of my pre oly-qual math achievements; she taught me lots of math at home and is one of the best teachers I know.
- AoPS Flash FTW! for existing, as this is how I got to know so many math friends in middle school. It ceased to exist in early 2021, but you can see some video clips of the legendary Flash FTW! on my YouTube channel.
- My friends for being really supportive along the way, and for being a constant source of happiness.